Christine's victory is largely attributed to support from the Tea Party - a new political movement that has gained popularity in recent years. Proponents of the Tea Party are held by some to be ultra-conservative, and some hold them to be Republicans who refuse to conform to the Republican Party mainstream. Incidentally, the ''Tea'' of tea party is said to be an acronym for ''Taxed Enough Already,'' and considered from that angle, their gain in popularity is hardly surprising.
Christine O'Donnell has many careers though her career as a politician is her latest incarnation. Her entry into politics is a natural growth of her aspirations considering that initially, Christine O'Donnell wanted a career at the theater.
Christine O'Donnell has a resume that includes a job with Enough is Enough, a Washington based anti-pornography group, and working for the Republican National Committee in the years after leaving college. Other notable mentions on Christine O'Donnell's resume include serving as spokesperson for Concerned Women for America, and founding the Savior's Alliance for Lifting the Truth (SALT). In her capacity as the president of SALT, Christine O'Donnell found national media exposure in premiere television.
Later, Christine O'Donnell had a career with the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, which she ultimately sued for discrimination, but later dropped the case, ostensibly for being unable to continue the payment of legal fees and expenses. Christine O'Donnell is also noted for providing political commentary on popular programs of Fox News television.
Christine O'Donnell's career in politics as well as other work-life is fraught with allegations of financial integrity, which are refuted by her as inaccuracies in reporting of facts by the media. She is reputed for being a proponent of the ''pro-life'' movement and for being strongly against abortions and gun control. She enjoys the support of Sarah Palin and other political stalwarts who view her ultra-conservative politics with favor.
Latest polls are not in favor of Christine O'Donnell though other contenders supported by the Tea Party show strong promises of winning their candidatures. Many wish Christine O'Donnell to resume full-scale efforts to win her seat and become a voice for stringent anti-abortion laws in the Senate.