A volunteer coordinator is someone who is hired by a company or business to work with the volunteers and to make sure that everything is coordinated – including schedules, information, and other things for the volunteers. At the beginning, volunteer coordinators might be volunteers as well – because many public interest jobs start out with only volunteers working. Therefore, if you are looking at doing jobs in public interest, like volunteer coordinator jobs, you might be looking at a job that doesn't pay much, or that is completely without pay. However, for some companies, you'll be looking at a well paying job, because it is worth it for them to pay their volunteer coordinators enough to make sure that they stick around and do their job for a long time to come. It can save company money to hire and pay a volunteer coordinator – because that way they don’t have to concern themselves with what the volunteers are doing, and they'll be more likely to actually have volunteers. This means that no matter what, you'll probably be very well liked as a volunteer coordinator, and even if your job starts out with a lower pay grade than you might want, you will have a good chance of advancing that pay grade to something that you can live with and even something that you can be very pleased with.
There are lots of different public interest jobs and new ones are popping up all the time. This is partly because there are plenty of new businesses and companies that are opening up that have the public's best interest at heart. It is also because companies and businesses that have been around for awhile are realizing that it is a good idea to do some public interest work. It makes them look good, can increase their own financial gain, and can make a good impact on the way that they appear publicly. Therefore, if you are interested in public interest jobs such as volunteer coordinator jobs, you'll be able to find that there will be plenty of openings for you.
When you are looking at public interest jobs, and you want to be sure that you have the best chance of getting one, there are several things that you should remember. This will help you to get the job that you are looking for and to beat any competition for that job that you are applying for. First of all, be sure that you have a resume that is full of work – both actual work and volunteer work. If you want to be a volunteer coordinator you have to be sure that you have shown that you have been a volunteer in the past, because companies want to put their volunteers in the hands of someone who has been there and done that. However, you also need to show that you have worked in the past, because being a volunteer coordinator is not the same thing as volunteering – you can't just decide not to show up, and you have to be dependable. Therefore, you need to show that you are interested in public interest jobs and volunteer positions at the same time.
Next, you'll also want to talk about the way that you are able to manage groups and individuals. You'll need to talk about the management skills that you have, and show how you can manage different groups easily. This is going to be important because you'll have to be sure that no matter what, you can always be in charge and you can always be a manager. This is very easy for you to show – if you have manager experience in any of the jobs that you have done, you can put it on your resume. However, it doesn't always have to be straight up manager experience. You can also show this through the fact that you were a team leader, or that you headed various projects. Anything that you have done where you were in charge of something and where you made the orders you can use for your resume to show that you'd be good at the job. Also, with public interest jobs like volunteer organizer jobs, you will want to show that you are organized yourself, and that you'd be able to handle organizing people's schedules, making sure that enough volunteers are around, and also gathering new volunteers as needed. All of these things will be important when it comes to jobs in public interest such as volunteer coordinators.